Tuesday, September 20, 2011

moving about

SOO I have been busy moving. Im not there yet BUT I have put a pretty big dent in my models. Today Im doing the indoor stuff and such ready for transport tomm when its not raining. Not much time and I have been spotty with posts BUT I will post some stuff from my new Op Center soon. Later for now!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Arriving Daily!!

Ok well i have been getting my Ebay items in the mail and I cant say enough. Most weathered the trip well (I have some glueing and such on a few of them but whatever) and I hope to field them (unpainted) next week in the APOCA-league. Im looking at having ALOT of firepower and its 5K points SOOOOO Lots of "fun" room. Lets just Have these as a teaser.....
And thats only if my secret doesn't show up....;)
Also I have been working ALOT but Im also in the process of Moving. Soon. I will have to move before Oct, and im looking into several places. Lets hope something turns up soon.....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Goodies!!!

OK well Monday Sept 5th was my Anniversary. I have been with my wife for 3 years and going for 4. It’s been tough BUT worth it. I love her very much and she supports me in my endeavors no matter HOW dumb they are. So why do I mention this?? Well I mentioned to my wife that I was trying to get my laptop running again to bring into work to watch movies. I know, but I’m a GOVERNMENT worker so it’s OK..... ANYWAY what do i get as an Anniversary present??? Well a 19" DVD/TV combo. AWESOME!!! Not as inconspicuous as a laptop BUT much cooler!!

And I have been doing some shopping myself….. I NOW have 4 baneblades/frames AND a Reaver titan…… Armorcast, but it STILL a REAVER!!! Now this pic is NOT mine But it’s what it looks like.  SO that makes me have 8 Superheavies (new and armorcast baneblade frames) knight titans I need to cast, and now a REAVER I need to cast. I plan to cast up some and field them as a enormous unit. I also will even allow someone to use them on the other side if need be. It’s just awesome to have that much power on the field.

I also bought some more Russ tanks and am looking for more chimeras. I plan to field 100 russ and chimeras, 10 superheavies, Tons of infantry, 5-10 Knights titans, some warhounds if I can buy some, and 1-2 reavers or so…… Should be crazy!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011


OK well As some of you know there has been a Large falling out with my club. I'm not going to bore you with details BUT I'm deciding to disband the Corporate structure and dissolve the LLC that protects the club. The people who are in charge right now will be no longer including ME, the owner. With this Im turning everything over to the President of the club and the officers will be the ones to run things. The current president is a decent enough guy and I really think he will do well...... not to mention It will save me the money of supporting the club and staff. Its going to be Just another hobby/game club with nothing fancy. When I open my Store I will invite the club to game there and offer them a TRUE home to play at. And I will be looking for new staff to man the store as I now will not have the old structure to rely on. That's one of the main reasons for dissolving anyway, is not being able to rely on the support structure. I think its better this way anyway.

NOW for the Game side of things.... I'm looking to add to my IG some more. Not that I NEED to but Im spending some money on Ebay, getting titans and Super heavies. I got 3 Baneblades and 3 russes to add so far and I'm looking at adding a Armorcast Reaver Imperial titan. I lost 2 warhounds yesterday by one dollar and I'm a little pissy about it, but oh well. Shit happens Right?? Maybe next time! ANYWAY Im trying to get the former operations director of the FORMER LLC to paint up some IG for me. I have some I got off Ebay as I described more HERE. I just don't have the time to match the paint and he could use the money. He has no job and now that I took the LLC away he really has no job. SO Im looking to throw some cash his way, and maybe get some stuff painted to a decent standard. It sucks having to make money, because I have no time to paint now.

NOW Im also looking to play in a APOCA-league APOC league that the club is running. It sounds fun and Im looking forward to it. Im also wanting to paint most (all) of my stuff for the big Game in Jan. I hope to see that! Alec from http://www.apocalypse40k.com/ is heading this up again and Im hoping the club will run it...... We shall see. Im looking at fielding about 100 tanks (russes and chimeras) about 10 or so Superheavy tanks and a few titans. Well provided I win some more titans. I want to cast up some more knights, and will but it would be great If I could get about 4-5 warhounds and 1-2 reavers on the table too...... We can only hope the titans dont go over $300 for the smalls and $500 for the big......

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Busy times But Some fun too!!

Ok well I haveBeen working alot and am having some fall out with the club and transition to 501 C(7), but reguardless I went to the range today and had some fun!! We did some shooting for work and then We pulled out our personal weapons and did some shooting with them!. I brought my Taurus Judge, and my S&W 380 bodyguard to shoot this time. It was some fun BUT my frind John Brought some of his Long guns. We got to shoot his Shotgun and 308 rifle, but more importantly he brought his Tommy Gun. Thats right, 45 ACP stick mag semi auto tommygun. That was too much fun. We shot some Zombie targets too but due to the rain I did not take pictures of the finished result. heres my work qual target, and the Zombie APOC tagets Pre vents.....

And the 5 little "spoilers" at the bottom?? dont worry about those little guys.... I need to work on weak hand shooting at more than 30 Meters...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Quick update

well super busy but not really getting anything done. Im working on transforming my Company FAIL Gamers LLC into a 501 c(7) company so lots of research there. This should halp save me some money in the long run and be better for the club as a whole. Im wieghing the options of converting the club to it OR to Keep the LLC and sub out the club as a 501..... Anyway more research to get done! Im also working alot and have some overtime coming up soon. Nothing really new there though....

As far as painting goes not alot to report. I dug through the IG I got a few months ago and made a list from what was there, and studied the "paint recipe". I also plan to finish the FW marine I started soon and also start into the catachans I have. I then plan to paint up some tanks and such with the airbrush for an APOC event rapidly approaching..... Fun times!!

Im also getting some more Dust tactics minis in the mail. I fell in love with this game at GenCon and will be doing some work on it as well. I'll get into it more later but its going to be one of my new happy time games and will take priority over getting GW games for a while!! I find it more fun than anything else Im playing at the moment, and that says alot, as its more fun than Warmachine AND 40K.... Im Sold!!

Anyway, when I have more done I'll update and such. i have my "weekend" coming soon and Hope to have something done there.... we shall see!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ard Boyz 2011

So I've been thinking about my 2011 Ard Boyz list. I am trying to decide on marines or guard. I have 2500 in guard easy ESP with the new guard I picked up a few months ago. But I also am thinking about vanilla marines. I would use the FAIL marines if I decide to do so. Hummmm decisions decisions ......

Monday, August 8, 2011

switch over...

Well I switched over the accounts as my FAIL Gamer account was being "upgraded" therefor not working correct. Everything is now with my new Gmail account. I had to set it up with my phone anyway so everything is going there now!!!

Stay tuned to the same old crap from me!

Gencons Over.....

Ok well Gencons over and I learned some things. But none of that now..... lets talk Games.

I got Food fight, Red Nomvember, and DUST..... Dust...... Dust is one of my new FAV games. its a board game that can also be played as a minis game.... I have the new starter set, the old starter set, and a Walker box for each army. Oh yea, and an expansion pack AND some axis gorillas..... yep. Gorillas. its why I demoed in the first place.

Anyway just a quick Blurb here with some internets pics till I get mine downloaded...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

New post FINALLY!!!

OK well its been a while.... I have been busy with work (6 days a week) and doing art for the VAP art show tomorrow. Here is some entries for the show:

 And some prints from my deviant art profile. (here)

I am going to the Pat Tillman Day of service and then the art show after so its still a busy day. No rest for the wicked Eh?? More info in the near future!! I promise it wont be a Month this time!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Work has started!!

OK well I have finally started work on the Forge world Space marine. I dry fitted and such for his new pose and I am working on his Frost axe. This will be painted in Space wolf colors and should be very nice when done. I plan to put lots of fett\ishes and such all over him and paint him as a Grey Hunter. Heres some Pics
Well i plan to add wolf tails and such but thats where it stands. This is #2 of 3-4 projects for the Veteran Artists Program show Next month. More info on that is Here. My Wife is the curator for this showing and I hope to do her proud.!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

BUSY Last week!!

Ok well Its been a very busy last week. I have been full throttle at work, getting my Armies ready for Gencon, getting miniatures ready for VAP show, and just life. My wife went to Texas for Memorial Day and I stayed here in Maryland to work. It was a good thing as I dont like to be around many people on Memorial Day. Its a time for mourning for me so.... I like to be alone.

ANY WAY!!! Im putting together my Khador for Gencon. I stripped them down with Lacquer thinner and burned up 3 sets of gloves. that stuff is CAUSTIC!! Dangerous stuff but I needed to do it because of the epoxy used to assemble some of them. SO I have some jacks and casters assembled as well as most of my winter guard and mortars and field guns. Still a long way to go.

On VAP projects Im ordering a resin Sorscha to paint up as well as the Grey hunter Space wolf . Both of these are big models and Im learning to airbrush to paint them. Hers some pics of what they look like.
now this is what Im going to do with the marine:
I hope it turns out well.... Anyway Im eating dinner, and soo will be heading off to work again!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life update ...

Ok well here is whats going on here.
Ladies and gents.... my motorcycle. Well how it looked before it sat outside for a year. OK well I finally found a mechanic to work on it. It has been a struggle becuse Motorcycle mechanics apparently take a class on being an ass. Not like my car mechanics Justin and Nate. those guys spoiled me to mechanics because they are so awesome. Anyway, It will be in the shop on June 6th. we shall see what its going to cost to get it running again. I hope not over the 3K I have set aside for it. I need carb work, electrical diagnosis for my charging issue and replacement throttle body, add the speedo, mirrors and horn. Well heres to hope.

Car issues: well my director of operations for the club Michael's truck died on him. Well not died, I looked at it and realized the clutch needed work, as well as brakes, so took it to the shop MR Tire here in Frederick. My guy Justin (see above) looked at it and its 3K to make it work. I paid $600 for the truck and spent $300-400 fixing it SOOOOO nope its dead. we have another one I got in PA we need to pick up, a car $700, and running well. I will try to go tomm and pick it up. I hope Michael likes it. its what I can afford and $700 more than he can all at once. Its my way of saying thanks for running my business though SO fronting $700 is a deal. ESP if my business ever starts to make money.......

Veterans Art showing: I am entering a FW imperial space marine into the Veteran art show in Baltimore. my wife is running this event and Im going to geek it up some. Im doing it in a Space Wolf color scheme and going to add some little details and such to make it nice. Well I hope to at least!!

AND finally my Workload post from Yesterday..... I need to work on that bad boy!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Work load 2011!!

Ok well here is a copy of my planned workload and a amendment made last night. This is what I intend to do this year....
First the original:

I have Lowered myself enough. I have looked upon myself from the outside and I do not like the gamer/modeler I have become. I am going to finish some of my armies, get them to a playable standard, and actually enjoy 2011 from a gaming standpoint. By getting some of these armies done and getting rid of things I will never use i will also be cleaning out my areas and making my wife enjoy the hobby more too. Maybe even let everyone else have fun in the process too....

Now what do I have on my plate?? Alot. But I am working out priorities of my work as we speak BUT the top two are Catachans and Exorcists. These armies will be the ones i will need first and therefore will get knocked out first. I will outline all of my planned projects here and will mark the off and post updates as they progress. Some of these will actually get REAL paint jobs from me. For those of you who have actually seen me paint something for real, you know that this will be pretty good. I will have to put on the old commission painter hat for a few of the better pieces.

Now on the the plans:
*666th Catachan Infantry Light- 4K points infantry heavy. Most are assembled. Will need to have bases cast and painted, and models painted.
*Exorcists Chapter Astartes- undetermined size, no less than 2k points. Bits are acquired. Will need to sculpt terminator legs and torsos to true-scale power armor and cast. Then will be placed on cast bases and painted.
*429th Cadian Infantry Light- 4K points infantry heavy. Most are assembled, over half primed, Half of those are base coated. painted Versions were the army I used for the Birthday Bash. Will need to be rebased with cast bases and painted.
*123rd Cadian Armored- undetermined size, no less than 4K points. This is my Armored company I have used in APOC before. It will include no less than 5 baneblades and will be the catchall for all IG armor. These need to be repaired and painted.
*White Scars Chapter Astartes- undetermined size, no less than 3k points. These are the Bikers I have. they will need to be repaired, repainted and based on cast bases.
*FAIL Marines Chapter Astares- undetermined size, no less than 4K points. These are assembled. they will need bases cast and rebased then painted.
*Space Wolves Chapter Astartes- undetermined size, no less than 3K points. These are my sleeper army, all on sprue. Requires everything to work, will be on cast bases.
*Blood pact IG Army- Undetermined size no less than 5K points. I need to cast the heads and cast bases. then paint.
*Titan Legion Legio FAIL- undetermined size, no less than 6k points. Yes this is not a typo... Legio FAIL will walk upon Hobby town this year..... There is many surprises with this army. it is mostly classified materials:spy: But consider this a teaser....
*Halfling/ratling IG army- Another project I have had on the back burner that will get love. Several suprises with this with a only APOC force coming out of it.
*Monachus Chapter Astartes- Another project I have had on the back burner that will get love.
*Menoth Warmachine Army- Another project I have had on the back burner that will get love. I will paint and base these. I will need to get them back from Sam. And place a bitz order.
*Circle Orbos Hordes army- I will be working on this army this year.
So as you can see it will be a full year of models. I need you guys to stay on my back to make progress. 2011 Will be a great year for FAIL and I have plans to make quite the stir at several outings this year.... (Gencon...lookin at you!!)
and the amendment:
OK well An UPDATE!!! No pics as really yet BUT I will have some soon. This will be an army by army update.

   1. 666th Catachan Infantry Light- In the paint shop now. 75% base coated and actual paint will begin this week. 75% of bases are cast.
   2.Exorcists Chapter Astartes- Sculpting is complete on Legs. Torsos are WIP. Bases are to be molded this week.
   3. 429th Cadian Infantry Light- Still looking for all of them. I have found some and I bought more to add to this. ALOT MORE. Bases bought and HOPE to make molds this week.
   4.123rd Cadian Armored- Hummm... Well Teaser here is I added 13 Russ's, 7 Chimeras, 2 Valkryes, and a smattering of others to this. I also Bought an Airbrush to paint these with. I plan to do Digicam CADPAT type camo in greyscale for urban camo. This will be a large armor regiment.
   5. White Scars Chapter Astartes- Well this army MIGHT go on a back burner as I gave some away to help out the Badab war. I will add some bikes from this to FAIL Marines and maybe some others I have on the stove. If they DO get love I will have cast bikes, sculpting has yet to start on it though.
   6. FAIL Marines Chapter Astares-Army list is going to be made and work will begin soon. I will add some bikes to this army to help bulk it out as well as some other misc marine goodies. Bases are 90% cast for this.
   7. Space Wolves Chapter Astartes- this will likely go back into storage depending on the amount of progress done during the summer. if any work is done then it will be later in the year Likely in the winter if at all. I have to have something for next year you know?? :0
   8. Blood pact IG Army-This army is going to go from Cadian stand ins to FULL Cast. I have ordered the torsos, legs, heads, rifles and packs for them. casting will be somewhat soon, maybe a month or so.
   9.Titan Legion Legio FAIL-Well some of you have seen these around. molds made and all i need is to cast them. this will happen sometime later.
  10.Halfling/ratling IG army-This is going on the "eventually" list again.
  11. Monachus Chapter Astartes- these are being sculpted as we speak. I will need to get the sculpts and then cast. Bases have yet to be decided.
  12. Menoth Warmachine Army- Damn.... since this army has been "re appropriated" I am replacing it with my Khador. same size or larger.
  13. Hordes Circle Orboros army- this is still a go, and Im buying more in the PP sale going on now.

NOW I am adding Orks to the list of things to do. I bought Petes and Sams orks and now have to paint them up. I bought the paint and have some soaking in SG getting ready for the brush. bases will actually be traditional ballast bases not cast. im trying to match Petes colors and style on this one.
 AS you can see Im gonna be BUSY!!! what the heck was I thinking??

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Well Some progress.....

Ok well the last 2 days was my "weekend". I was asked to work but did not and it was great. I slept in, got a LITTLE cleaning done, got some more packages in, and just enjoyed myself. I feel it was deserved.

I worked on some Ogres to ogryns and now have to sculpt the bellies but they turned out OK. Im going to have at least one squad assigned to the Catachans for S&G.

My main thing I need to do though is move my motorcycle to Hagerstown for service. I need to get some carb work, find out WTH is going on with my electrical, fix the damage I did last time I took it to be serviced, and put on the new parts I bought. Well maybe soon, but im dreading towing my trailer down I-70 with my Dodge......

Monday, May 16, 2011

IG Have arrived!!

Ok So I got a bunch of IG from Evil-Bay and Well they came in the mail today. Here are Pics from the sale!!
This included ALOT of models and is described Here. Very happy with them and the painted ones are actually VERY well painted. Pics soon.
Also I got all of my Khador in. Well all but my LE tape measure. But its in the mail.   It is  solid stainless steel with a rubber grip And made By  Zippo. These were an exclusive edition from Gencon 5 or 6 years ago I'm told But it looks Sexy. Pics when it comes in!!!

Well My Work schedule should be lightening up SO I will be doing more painting soon and pics to be put up!!!

Till next time!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Work, Work, Work.....

Ok well As some of you know Im in the Law Enforcement/Security business. I am a Federal Officer and I currently work at a Research Institute Her in Frederick MD. Well we have our ups and downs but My one complaint is our apparent Lack of effective leadership. I will not say anything BAD per se because we do have great guys in leader posts. its just we run things ,in my opinion, like a second rate 3 ring circus.

Ordinarily its not bad. but this week It got me. BAD. Ok so I work 5 days a week. not a problem. On my Thursday I was notified that due to the lack of planning I was being held over for a second shift. OK happens sometimes. And then again on my Friday. Now this is BS. Its not an emergency, nothing happened. It was our Lack of effective leaders that did not schedule the correct number of personnel to cover the shift. So I get to cover it if I like it or not. I do not mind overtime, I actually do it alot. But when Im forced to do it (4 times in 40 days forced) and then Back to back forced, we need someone to take a step back and say its not right. Of course as a weekend supervisor and  relatively low on the pole, my opinion is not worth much, even though leading people was my job for 11 years in the mildly stressful job called Combat Arms and 4 of those years in the "hostile work environment" called the Sunni triangle. I dont know. Maybe im just thinking too much. It'll all change when Im running things..... Yea right.

New Khador reinforcements!! Part 2

Ok well to add to my Khador Army again I got more stuff. These were from Evil bay and I got OK deals for the most part. I paid 60-75% of retail for all New in box condition. Heres what I got:
Khador BerserkerJack X 2
Khador Spriggan Heavy Warjack
Khador #42007 Allies Kayazy Assassins Unit Box
Warmachine Khador #33047 Kommandos X2
Khador #33069 Assault Kommando Flame Thrower
Khador #33024 Man-O-War Kovnik
Khador #33017 Doom Reavers Unit Box Set
Khador #33037 Man-O-War Demoliton Corps Unit
Khador #33051 Winter Guard Field Gun Crew
Khador #33029 Winterguard Mortar Crew

Now this will allow me to do more than whatever I wish Even with the Warmachine expansion coming out. I have a lot of painting to do though.....

OK so Moar TANKS!!!

Ok well again I have been on Evilbay.... and I ran across a chap who was getting rid of his Leman Russ tanks. 9 to be exact. So me being the guy I am I offered him $15 each plus $15 shipping. and he took it. SO $150 later I have 9 more Leman Russ Battle tanks ready for some paint. NOw I know your questions....What am I going to do with 9 more Russes??? Well this can allow me to add a tank or 3 to my Catachans, and maybe some to my other infantry heavy armies so I do not have to put Grey tanks in with Jungle fighters and the like. Lame excuse I know but good enough for me!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ok well as some may know I have a LARGE amount of guard. Like 3K catachan and Cadian with about 2-3K of Armor PLUS about 5-6 baneblades and a titan or 2 for Super heavies. This is on top of the Spackling of other guard I have about (vostryoans, blood pact etc..)

Well I ran across a deal on ebay I could not turn down. More Guard at a good deal. ALOT more guard.
It is all in a Sabol Army transport  Division and foam fitted for all the models.So a breakdown?? OK here we go!!
-20 Guardsmen on sprue
-3 heavy weapon teams on sprue with a Ton of bits. 

-63 guard with lasgun
-4 guard with bolters
-1 medic
-5 guard with flames
-8 guard with melta guns
-7 guard with plasma guns
-3 guard with gernade launchers(
-12 guard with ccw/ las pistols
-1 guard with power fists
-3 guard with power weapons
-1 Commissar
-6 lascannons 
-3 heavy bolters-3 autocannons
-6 chimeras
-1 leman russ battle tank
-1 leman russ demolisher
-1 leman russ executioner
-1 manticore
-2 vendetta's 

All this for $400. I actuall gave a "best offer" of $350, but he countered with $400. Its still a great deal! SOOOO More to paint!

Friday, May 6, 2011

New Khador reinforcements!!

So Khador reinforcements arrived today. Heres what I got:Marauder x2, Destroyer x3, Juggernaut x2, Devastator x1, Winterguard Mortar Crew x3, Demo-Corp Full unit of 5, Kossite Woodsmen full unit, Mechaniks x2 full units.That brings me up ALOT. I am looking forward to playing Warmachine unbound. This is a large level gamer of Warmachine. more info is HERE. I will put up a full list and some pics of my Khador army sometime in the future. Till then....... I will try to assemble and paint the 150+ points I already have!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ok Well Number One post!!

OK well I have been looking at blogs and such and now I will publish my own. This blog will be Mostly about my War gaming addiction and will mostly be about my favorite games, 40K, Warmachine, and Fantasy. Thais will go hand in hand with my Website www.FAILGamers.com and should you like either feel free to look around. Well till sometime in the future..... Have a great stay!!