Monday, September 10, 2012

Update.... A little late..;)

Ok well August was one hell of a month. I did so much that month and had alot of fun and some heartbreak but it was very very busy and why I am behind on my post for BOTH blogs....

I did a weight check today and I am at 263.4 pounds. I have been cutting my portions back some and raising my activity level some but still no hard core training nor weights as of yet. I AM however trying to cut time off of my Physical Agility Test (PAT) for work so I AM running more now. Im still only doing a little as my PAT is 1.5 miles but Im trying to only cut time right now. We shall see Mid October how I did.....

I am noticing a better mood and overall increase of my demeanor so I hope all is going well. Aug was a very stressful month and I also got a small bout of the "Con Crud" that had me sick for about a week or so. But Im doing better now and Im looking forward to this next month.

Another stress culprit in my life is my job. I HATE it. I work with a handful of good guys, a few OK guys and the rest are completely worthless. TOTALLY. I will not bore you with details but I am looking now for another job not run by lobotomized Apes. Im also looking at jobs in other areas of the US as I really have no ties to the DC Metro area and Its VERY expensive to live here. We shall see though.

Well thats a quick update for the month of Aug. I'll leave you with some pictures from the month....

Monday, July 16, 2012

Halfway into the Month: Progress report

Ok Well its about Halfway into the first month and I have noticed a little bit of change, mostly in my bank account. LMAO!! Half Joke there but I  have actually dug out some items and made a purchase.

First on the list is my old 45 LBS barbell set  I had in storage. Its a relic from my military days when I had to have a 45 Pound ruck for roadmarching and I would just throw this in my Radio pouch of my ALICE and strap her down.... DONE!! I have owned them for 9 or so years now and they have NEVER been opened, only packed and carried. Well now I have opened them and they will serve as their intended purpose as well as Weight in a ruck. This is what I have:
Next I have a purchased medicine ball. this is a 8 pound rubberized ball used for different exercises. I have not used it much other than to kinda toss about and strengthen my fingers and arms some. its pretty good at smoking your arms just from tossing it like I do but I am looking for more exercises for it. Here is what it is. I was a cheap ass and didnt get the DVD or anything... Oh well.
 I also dug out my Bicycle. I repaired it and put on a new seat for more comfort and to replace the other as it was destroyed. I plan to do some biking but have not gone more than around the block in it yet.... Soon.

I also have been drinking more water and I eat oatmeal (fridge porridge) most every day. Im noticinng a little change in my moods and eating habits but not much now. I have only been more careful about eating for about a month now. I will weigh in later this month to have some sort of definative proof that somethings going on but as yet its only how i feel. and sofar its getting better.

See ya soon and I plan to have more goodie then too!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fat to fit.... my journey BACK to Military Standards...

OK well as some may know Im not in the military anymore. I was once a Lean, Mean, Killing Machine but Now I have kinda Let myself go a bit. OK maybe a little more than a bit...... OK maybe a LOT.

Anyway I am going to go to the direction of this blog to Chronicle my weight loss and use my other blog Munkey Joe's Space Adventures to take care of my hobby.

This Blog will have some home made Gym equipment and some "workouts" I want to do and am using. I WILL NOT be a Gym rat, and my workouts will be real world useful things, Like the Pilgrims did it... (Joke for my Wife there...)

I plan to watch my diet (which I have been doing now for about 20 or so days) and doing my "lift and move Heavy shit" type of training. I am starting out with some easy and simple equipment such as a Slosh tube and Bavarian Bag and will be doing things like  ruck marches and trail "jogs".....

I will start today with a weight of 273.8 pounds and NO homemade equipment. By the 1st of the month (July 1 2012) I will actually have some equipment and begin training with it and will have weekly updates for training and monthly updates on Weight. my Goal is to be Back at 220 pounds within a year but more important than weight will be true fitness level.

Oh yea and the ability to fit into some clothes....LMAO!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just a real quick post....

OK well Im not one to be inspired by others stories, I try to make my own. But this story of a disabled vet touched me in a place I have not been touched in a long time, and his victory has made me a better person just by hearing it. I would like to share this with everyone I can, not because its a Vet but because its just a fantastic story. I sympathize with his plight being not only a vet myself but a Paratrooper also. Stories like these are Wonderful Even if your not affected by it Maybe you know someone who Might.

Strong Work Airborne.... All the Way!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bachelor for the next 2 weekends

OK well My wife is gone for this weekend and next weekend doing something for her VAP or school or something. I cant keep up with her. Anyway Im at home alone for the next 3 days and then again next weekend so Im Baching it!!! MAYBE I can get some stuff done and re arrange the house and do some painting.... Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Some fun stuff on the netz....

OK well I spent my weekend looking for a Forgeworld Warhound titan I bought right before we moved and Cannot find it... But anyway Its Wednesday and time for work tonight. so I will have to tear the house later.... ANYWAY

I stumbled on some odd and funny things on the web the past few days and thought it would dump here.

An funny pic

Some Banana silliness HERE.
And a CREEPY Beavis and Butthead Lifelike sculpture HERE...

And some Random Nerdiness:

 Till Later

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lets Save this Blog!!!

PK Well Since nothing has Happened here in a LONG time Im going to save this Blog with a Post and UPDATE!!! This blog will be my personal and gaming life, and several points and such all in one. I have started another blog HERE So you can get the SCI FI sweetness you crave.

SO Life of a Munkey is Well Life. Personal and hobby all in one with ALL aspects getting Love.
And Munkey Joe's Space Adventures is a prodoominate 40K blog to fit with the NEW FTW blogroll that I have just been accepted to.

More Likely MOST posts in Space adventures will be posted here to as It is life But for space highlights without My personal stuggles Follow Space adventures!!!

SO Look for me Here and in MJSA For whats going on in life!!

Till next time