Tuesday, September 20, 2011

moving about

SOO I have been busy moving. Im not there yet BUT I have put a pretty big dent in my models. Today Im doing the indoor stuff and such ready for transport tomm when its not raining. Not much time and I have been spotty with posts BUT I will post some stuff from my new Op Center soon. Later for now!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Arriving Daily!!

Ok well i have been getting my Ebay items in the mail and I cant say enough. Most weathered the trip well (I have some glueing and such on a few of them but whatever) and I hope to field them (unpainted) next week in the APOCA-league. Im looking at having ALOT of firepower and its 5K points SOOOOO Lots of "fun" room. Lets just Have these as a teaser.....
And thats only if my secret doesn't show up....;)
Also I have been working ALOT but Im also in the process of Moving. Soon. I will have to move before Oct, and im looking into several places. Lets hope something turns up soon.....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New Goodies!!!

OK well Monday Sept 5th was my Anniversary. I have been with my wife for 3 years and going for 4. It’s been tough BUT worth it. I love her very much and she supports me in my endeavors no matter HOW dumb they are. So why do I mention this?? Well I mentioned to my wife that I was trying to get my laptop running again to bring into work to watch movies. I know, but I’m a GOVERNMENT worker so it’s OK..... ANYWAY what do i get as an Anniversary present??? Well a 19" DVD/TV combo. AWESOME!!! Not as inconspicuous as a laptop BUT much cooler!!

And I have been doing some shopping myself….. I NOW have 4 baneblades/frames AND a Reaver titan…… Armorcast, but it STILL a REAVER!!! Now this pic is NOT mine But it’s what it looks like.  SO that makes me have 8 Superheavies (new and armorcast baneblade frames) knight titans I need to cast, and now a REAVER I need to cast. I plan to cast up some and field them as a enormous unit. I also will even allow someone to use them on the other side if need be. It’s just awesome to have that much power on the field.

I also bought some more Russ tanks and am looking for more chimeras. I plan to field 100 russ and chimeras, 10 superheavies, Tons of infantry, 5-10 Knights titans, some warhounds if I can buy some, and 1-2 reavers or so…… Should be crazy!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011


OK well As some of you know there has been a Large falling out with my club. I'm not going to bore you with details BUT I'm deciding to disband the Corporate structure and dissolve the LLC that protects the club. The people who are in charge right now will be no longer including ME, the owner. With this Im turning everything over to the President of the club and the officers will be the ones to run things. The current president is a decent enough guy and I really think he will do well...... not to mention It will save me the money of supporting the club and staff. Its going to be Just another hobby/game club with nothing fancy. When I open my Store I will invite the club to game there and offer them a TRUE home to play at. And I will be looking for new staff to man the store as I now will not have the old structure to rely on. That's one of the main reasons for dissolving anyway, is not being able to rely on the support structure. I think its better this way anyway.

NOW for the Game side of things.... I'm looking to add to my IG some more. Not that I NEED to but Im spending some money on Ebay, getting titans and Super heavies. I got 3 Baneblades and 3 russes to add so far and I'm looking at adding a Armorcast Reaver Imperial titan. I lost 2 warhounds yesterday by one dollar and I'm a little pissy about it, but oh well. Shit happens Right?? Maybe next time! ANYWAY Im trying to get the former operations director of the FORMER LLC to paint up some IG for me. I have some I got off Ebay as I described more HERE. I just don't have the time to match the paint and he could use the money. He has no job and now that I took the LLC away he really has no job. SO Im looking to throw some cash his way, and maybe get some stuff painted to a decent standard. It sucks having to make money, because I have no time to paint now.

NOW Im also looking to play in a APOCA-league APOC league that the club is running. It sounds fun and Im looking forward to it. Im also wanting to paint most (all) of my stuff for the big Game in Jan. I hope to see that! Alec from http://www.apocalypse40k.com/ is heading this up again and Im hoping the club will run it...... We shall see. Im looking at fielding about 100 tanks (russes and chimeras) about 10 or so Superheavy tanks and a few titans. Well provided I win some more titans. I want to cast up some more knights, and will but it would be great If I could get about 4-5 warhounds and 1-2 reavers on the table too...... We can only hope the titans dont go over $300 for the smalls and $500 for the big......