Monday, July 16, 2012

Halfway into the Month: Progress report

Ok Well its about Halfway into the first month and I have noticed a little bit of change, mostly in my bank account. LMAO!! Half Joke there but I  have actually dug out some items and made a purchase.

First on the list is my old 45 LBS barbell set  I had in storage. Its a relic from my military days when I had to have a 45 Pound ruck for roadmarching and I would just throw this in my Radio pouch of my ALICE and strap her down.... DONE!! I have owned them for 9 or so years now and they have NEVER been opened, only packed and carried. Well now I have opened them and they will serve as their intended purpose as well as Weight in a ruck. This is what I have:
Next I have a purchased medicine ball. this is a 8 pound rubberized ball used for different exercises. I have not used it much other than to kinda toss about and strengthen my fingers and arms some. its pretty good at smoking your arms just from tossing it like I do but I am looking for more exercises for it. Here is what it is. I was a cheap ass and didnt get the DVD or anything... Oh well.
 I also dug out my Bicycle. I repaired it and put on a new seat for more comfort and to replace the other as it was destroyed. I plan to do some biking but have not gone more than around the block in it yet.... Soon.

I also have been drinking more water and I eat oatmeal (fridge porridge) most every day. Im noticinng a little change in my moods and eating habits but not much now. I have only been more careful about eating for about a month now. I will weigh in later this month to have some sort of definative proof that somethings going on but as yet its only how i feel. and sofar its getting better.

See ya soon and I plan to have more goodie then too!!

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